Friday, March 13, 2009

Week 1

I am a little behind on my posting so will endeavour to catch up.

In Week One I was given the assignments for all my subjects:

MPI303 involves 3 assignments based around 1 major piece of work.
MPI304 involves this blog on project management as well as a 20 minute seminar.
PHT220 involves 3 photographic assignments in the areas of Documentary, Still Life and Portraiture.
COM123 involves 2 essays and a journal and I am doing this subject via Distance Education as it classes with both my MPI subjects.

This blog is one of the assignments in the subject MPI304 and is worth 50% of my overall grade and is about my Project Management skills and tasks and everything to do with how I manage all my projects across all subjects. It's a little confusing as it coincides with MPI303 and they are related to each other so the assignments can get a little confusing as to which subject they are for. Also trying to understand what I am to blog about is another confusing aspect as at the end of the semester this is meant to be made into an essay and essays don't talk in the "I" form. The 20 minute seminar that we have to give to the class is very daunting and needs to be done on an artist or practitioners in the field of the area we are doing our major piece of work. Researching is not the scary part it's having to stand up in front of the class for 20 minutes! Most people think I am a relatively confident person but public speaking along with needles are my biggest fears and I am meant to stand up there for 20 minutes and act like I know what I am talking about, I may as well stand there and have everyone throw needles at me as I don't think it could be any worse than that!

The subject COM123 I feel fine about it's a first year subject so shouldn't be as stressful as the others plus we have to go to the movies every Sunday or Monday and this is instead of buying a text book. The journal assignments sounds good, every movie or TV show, article, book etc. that you think is related to the subject you write about in your journal and I've looked at some 2nd years journals from last year to see how they did theirs. Although this class clashes I can still attend the 1st hour of the lecture each week which can only benefit me.

PHT220 I am slightly nervous about, it's a second year subject with a combination of 2nd and 3rd year students and it makes me feel like I should know something more than the 2nd years because I am a 3rd year but I don't know anything! I am trying to think of a decent even to photograph for the Documentary assignment but it's very hard to come up with something original - much like most of the Photography classes - that the rest of the class won't be doing as well. I initially I thought I could document the Victorian Bush Fires as this is something that was affecting me as my dad had been told to evacuate or put into place his fire plan and he had chosen to leave and had not been back in some time and we had no idea if his house was still standing or not. However I was worried about being intrusive as victims have asked everyone to allow them some breathing space, though I never intended on approaching people or trespassing it would have only been public property and I would use the utmost discretion but still decided to not go ahead with this idea.

For MPI303 we had to come up with the idea for a major piece of work for us to complete over the semester. We were told we could do it individually or collaboratively and at the beginning of class Jenny our lecturer asked us what area we would most like to be involved in once we finish our degrees and I said probably photography. This is one of the reason I immediately thought I'd like to do stop motion, apart from the fact I wanted to try it first year and was told maybe not for this assignment, then I wanted to try again second year and was told again perhaps not for this assignment. They were all for valid reasons that it is time consuming but I figure this is my major piece of work so I need to do something that will last all semester.

That night I emailed Jenny my idea that I wanted to create an entertaining stop motion documentary (for lack of a better word) of people dancing. I wanted to have a faux British accent over the top commentating to make in humorous and I had the dancers sectioned into trained, self taught and bad with appropriate music over the top. Jenny replied and said she liked the idea but would like to see it be more arty than commercial. Not being sure what she meant I tried to nut it out with my housemates and family and eventually decided I needed to have a bit more purpose to the film. This lead me to decide to make the documentary on Why People Dance keeping it the same but adding voice overs of the dancers explaining why they dance or what they love about dancing in a mini interview style.

With this new extended idea I began my first assignment for the year and class, a proposal for my major piece of work to be carried out over the semester. I also was trying to come up with ideas for Documenting something and trying to understand this subjects assignments.

I think for the most part I will enjoy the subjects and assignments I have been set and can only hope I do my best!

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